Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog Award?

So, There is this thing called the 'Liebster Blog'Award. I am Happy to be told that I have received one right here on Blogger, Given to me by Kat At 壊れたDOLL. Thank you so much for giving me this award, Makes me happy to know that someone out there follows me. ;D

This award is focused on New Bloggers so we can spread the word that they are around and hopefully they can gain some notice! I hope everyone can take a look at the following Blogs that I am Awarding the Liebster Blog Award too.
(Unfortunately I don't follow many blogs, and ones that don't have many followers!)

Sending the Award too:
All That Glitters: Dear Jenna Who runs a Lovely Fashion Blog More focused on "Grunge"
壊れたDOLL: And Back to Kat, Because I think she is amazing and more people should Check her blog out!

Also, If you would like to join in and share the award with others, it's super easy! Here are the rules:

1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
4. Share five random facts about yourself that people don’t know about you.

Five Random Facts about Myself:
(There isn't much I keep to myself, so here are a few things my Followers probably wouldn't know about me.)

1- I Rave.
2- I am Part Asian. Japanese, Chinese, Philippino, And Pacific Islander.
3- I have NEVER smoked a Cigarette. ^^
4- I have always wanted to be a Wardrobe Stylist.
5- I have a Tattoo of Pikachu!

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